10 habits of successful people to adopt in 2018

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habits of succesful

It is true that success is defined differently by everyone and what might be considered superficial by some might as well be a very big step towards personal empowerment for others and I am definitely not here to tell you what success is. This is decided by you and only you, not your co-workers, family or friends, not society or the whole world.

However, having read tones of books and articles online about Forbes list entrepreneurs, CEOs and super bloggers, there are some habits of successful people that pop up more often than others so lets see which ones could be easily implemented in our daily routines for personal and career growth.

Let’s do it then:

Wake up your inner #girlboss with these 10 habits of successful people!

  1. Wake up early – it’s like someone literally gives you some extra hours in the day! You will be amazed with how much time you gain by waking up earlier than your usual time. habits of succesful
  2. Decide (and maintain) a minimal but powerful morning routine. It takes time and stress off the morning and it makes you more motivated. From clothes, to breakfast to make-up, you know your next steps from the moment you open your eyes, no need for lazing about in indecision.
  3. Read inspirational stuff. Make a pinterest board, download an affirmations app, choose a motivational desktop for your mobile or laptop. Being your own best cheerleader pays off sooner or later. habits of succesful people
  4. Do some serious planning. Set up your goals – career and personal, long term and short term. You have to be able to see your vision in order to try hard to get there. You can use pretty planners to make the process more fun. habits of successful people
  5. Then plan some steps towards your goal and not just any old step, plan like most successful people do, with SMART action plans (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely) and make sure you often go back to them to see your progress and adjust accordingly.habits of succesful
  6. Take better care of yourself. Investing in themselves in one of the most important traits of successful people. Eat well, exercise and invest in quality, from skincare to clothing, to what you eat.
  7. Your home is your castle – make your home your safe retreat from a busy day but keep it clutter free and tranquil. Even if you usually work from home, make sure you have separate areas for work and unwinding, otherwise your work related stress will be carried around the house like a heavy weight on your back. habits of succesful people
  8. Network with people (in and out of your industry). Be interested in their jobs, their plans and different perspectives about stuff. Making connections in other fields of interest broadens your horizons and exposes you to potential new opportunities

Tweet: Wake up your inner #girlboss with these 10 habits of successful people! via @metaphrasi

Tell me: what are YOUR tips for success and a more productive and happy life or habits of succesful people that you have noticed?




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