4 ways to spend a perfect rainy day at home

Home / LIFE / 4 ways to spend a perfect rainy day at home
rainy day

I don’t know about you but for me, the first rainy days are always days for staying in and enjoying my home, with warm drinks, books and magazines. Whatever your mood, these are things that you will enjoy both if you need relaxation and also if you are feeling restless.

  1. Make a beautiful cozy nook for reading and spoil yourself with your favorite coffee or tea while watching the rain    

  2. Read your favorite books or magazines    rainy day at homerainy day at home

  3. Find an online short course to watch (it can be work or hobby related). Read my post How to learn (almost) anything online.  Online Courses

  4. Cook something yummy (bake some cookies, experiment with a new recipe, try a new beverage such as Golden Milk or turmeric latte) – find the secret for the perfect cappucino foam here!  rainy day      rainy day at home

What else do you like doing when it’s raining and you can’t go out? Winter has come!!!! 🙂



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