and I don’t mean the Royal Baby 😉
1. Read a whole book in one weekend (or one day if the book is extra good)
2. Spring Clean my wardrobe! I need to get rid of all the winter darks and bring back happy, spring and summer colours! I’m sure it will improve my mood, too, as being 9 months pregnant doesn’t make you really excited for getting dressed in the morning… Have you done your spring cleaning yet?
3. Make our balcony beautiful! It will definitely be some time before E and I are ready for our first strolls and I intend in making our veranda a beautiful place to relax and lounge.
4. Go for a date night with my husband – to toast on the last days of sleep 🙂
5. Go for a pre-birth virgin margaritas session with my besties to discuss make-up, boyfriends, clothes and boy bands – because something tells me there’s a lot of nappies+nursing conversations coming my way soon 😍🙈
Do you have any tips for things I should do before the baby arrives?
I’d love to know!
What do you think?