7 fitness resolutions that actually don’t include a diet!

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7 fitness resolutions that actually don't include a diet!

Losing weight is difficult and I have found it has huge negative impact on my mood and psychology. It is like saying to yourself “I do not like you the way you are, you have to change”. And I am certain that it is one of the reasons most diets fail or make us miserable and mean. 

negative impact of diets: moodiness

This is why I really think that changing your mindset and adopting an overall healthier lifestyle is 100% more efficient than any diet. By changing your habits and sticking to fitness resolutions, instead of scales numbers, the weight loss happens in the process! You don’t even have to try for it. If you walk more, run more, train for something, and at the same time eat healthy (not less but better), your body will transform and you won’t even know how and when!

And as a person who likes lists (and doesn’t like sacrifizing her dose of chocolate) l’m giving you 7 fitness resolutions that are better than losing weight. 

  1. Eat clean & drink more water (will drain the excess fat from your body and your skin will be healthier) fitness resolutions
  2. Stick to a morning routine: meditation, yoga or a nice healthy breakfast will set your mood tone and prepare your body for the day. 
  3. Join a class: Yoga, Pilates, Aerial Yoga or Weights, find something that excites you and make it an event: shop beautiful clothes (you know you want to), find a nice mat, a gym bag and make it the best 2 hours of your week. fitness resolutions
  4. Walk more – don’t park just outside your office block. A morning walk will lift your mood and now that the weather is better it will work wonders for your motivation and your heart, too! fitness resolutions
  5. Make weekends work for you: find beautiful places around your area, take a friend (or a bottle of water/energy drink) and climb that mountain, explore that beach, take the long way home. 
  6. Join a club: kick boxing, a team sports, whatever you like. Being part of an actual team will make excercise fun and socially enjoyable 🙂
  7. Sign up for a big challenge like a 5K marathon race, a climbing contest, a swimming race. Having a clear goal will be much more fun and will motivate you so much you won’t even have to think about losing weight: it will hapen in the process!

fitness resolutions

Are you ready to take 2018 happier (and healthier)? 

What are your resolutions for the new year? 

My 2017 resolution (OK one of them) was to finally add excercise in my life (I did it) and therefore for 2018 my goal is a) to stick to a routine and b) be super fit for the summer. I have already signed up for a Pilates Reformer class and I will let you know how that went 😉



Disc: All images are from Pinterest.

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