About Me
I learned how to read when I was very young, just by listening to my little cousin read, looking at newspapers and reading neon road signs. When I was in kinder-garden, my teacher says I used to gather all children around me and read them stories. When all books where read more than twice, I used to pick the Teacher’s Daily and find anything of interest to share with my kinder-garden mates. This love for words has made me a literature scholar (I did my degree in Greek Literature in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – Modern Greek Literature), an English country addict (University of East Anglia, Norwich – MA in Literary Translation) a book lover, a literature rights manager and, finally and always , a translator.
This is a live journal of my work and projects, all things I find interesting and worth sharing with readers, fellow translators and bloggers all around the world. Please do comment if you want to say hi and share anything you find interesting.
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