Plan your week in advance if you want to avoid stress and be happier!
FRIDAY: Do something after work that makes you happy
I know that some times the only thing you want to do is just slump on the couch but if you do that Sunday evening will come in a flash… because there will be nothing fun in between.
Cook yourself a nice exotic meal, have friends over, go for a walk, shopping for yourself or your other half (or your home – I love home shopping and there are so many affordable homeware shops) or to your favorite yoga class, spoil yourself with good wine and download a movie – whatever puts a smile on your face.
SATURDAY: Plan for your happiness
They say that when you have something to look forward to is one of the great pleasures of life so think of the things in your life you are eagerly waiting for. And if there aren’t that many, start planning for some. A hiking adventure? A road trip? A career change? Feel the excitement!
Tweet: “The three grand essentials of happiness are: Something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for.”
I don’t know where I read that but it sounds pretty good 😉
SUNDAY: Create your week happiness plan
Think of your most stressful thing in the week, an appointment, a deadline, anything and think of a nice reward for when you will finish it.
If you like using nice printables to plan your week – download these for free here.
MONDAY: Make time to connect
Bent over a screen sorting out hundreds of e-mails? If it sounds like your typical Monday, make sure you find the time to take a break and connect with at least one person at work or call a friend and really talk, exchange some news or just laugh about something. It will release a lot of stress.
TUESDAY: Do a random act of kindness
Tuesday quotes have been replacing Monday hating ones so we need an extra motivation here, something to make us smile to ourselves – give a coin to a musician in the street, leave a tip to your barista, say good morning to your office secretary (don’t just shrug). Good energy brings good energy back 🙂
WEDNESDAY: Work on yourself
Download a meditation app (check out How Hypnosis can change your life) and take 10 minutes a day to concentrate on your breathing and re-align with yourself
THURSDAY: Sweat it out
There’s a reason they are called Happiness Hormones. It can be 20 mins of cardio or a pilates class, an aerial yoga session or a walk with your dog at the park – no, cupcake eating marathon does not count as cardio.
Have a great week my friends!
I am wearing my favorite Gruppo 24 shoes which make me feel like a real #Girlboss! Check out their new collection here and make sure you like their page to find out about new offers and the launch of their brand new e-shop!
Shoes: Gruppo 24
Jeans: Rodeo Stores Rhodes
Images by: Via dell’Anna
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