Rhodesign – Design made in Rhodes (EN)

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Design – History – Landscape – Local couleur – Greek summer feeling

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These are just a few words that describe the Rhodesign collection, a collection of high quality every day items I discovered in… Rhodes.

Of course, I couldn’t resist learning all about them and sharing all the juicy info with you my favorite readers 🙂


Based on the lack – and need of- design item production in Greece, and Rhodes in particular, the Rhodesign team searches for the best materials in order to create items which happily combine tradition with an obvious love for fashion.

“We start our research in Rhodes“, Theodora, the team’s creative art director, says “If we can’t find materials or services here we will then search in the rest of Greece and then abroad”. This is evident in the extensive research they did for their T-shirts as well as their choice of the Greek silk manufacturers at Soufli.

The attention to detail in all production stages as well as the way they see their creations not just like consumer products but as unique gifts to all of us is also evident in their packaging:


rhodesign sand brush

This is an example of their packaging for the unique sand brush, a quirky item made of wild boar hair and reclaimed wood from the pruning of olive trees. 

Similarly, all their products are designed for everyday needs:

The white minimal t-shirts were their first launch and they continued the next year with the 100% handmade Onos bags – you can fit your yoga mat inside and they are perfect for a 2day getaway. A relatively new addition is the PVC and leather pouches, perfect for artistic gals, as an evening accessory or inside your beach bag. One of their best-sellers is the tote bags with beautiful designs combining tradition as well as modernism that are all assembled and sewed in the Rhodesign workshop.

The creative team’s new entry is the ultimate summer accessory: the silk scarves Aphrodite and Medieval, with 100% Greek organic silk from the traditional textile workshops in northern Greece, digital printing and beautiful pop-art & graphic images in Greek summer colors. I totally love them and I’m sure you have seen them in the latest issues of most fashion magazines. The smaller (45×45) may also be worn as a pochet for our stylish boy friends. The 90×90 one can also be transformed in a bag and the skinny one, my personal favorite has loads of uses – I prefer it as a pin-up scarf, tied in my wrist or peeking out of my french braid 😉


I know that first impressions are the most important for design items but in this particular collection I think that so is a glimpse in the research and the procedures behind the final product, that reveals the passion of the designers for each and every item they create for us.

And it definitely seems there is a lot of inspiration, passion and love here. What do you think?




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