Tag: lists

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Thanksgiving for non-Americans

Thanksgiving for non-Americans

We have all been addicted lately to celebrating days and concepts we were not always familiar with: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Day of the Dead, culture-specific celebrations who overcome boundaries and became almost international.  So what is Thanksgiving for people outside America? For us in Greece it probably (still) means nothing, I mean we do...

daily reads

My favorite daily reads for style inspiration

I love reading and writing  but some times I do feel a little unmotivated & uninspired. In such moments, I love reading my favorite blogs as well as websites such as these listed below, which can be a dose of positivity and good vibes to get me back on track 🙂

invest in yourself

4 Investments You Need to make to be More Successful

As I did my favorite Sunday morning magazine reading, I read an article about a very young journalist who managed to work for Wall Street Journal and another about a Greek fashion designer who managed to have Michelle Obama and Melania Trump wear her iconic clothes. They both had very good connections and a powerful...

The 20 answers test

The 20 answers test

Για την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα της Γυναίκας, μια άσκηση που δεν είναι τόσο εύκολη όσο φαίνεται με την πρώτη ματιά 🙂

Τα πιο hot χρώματα στη διακόσμηση για το 2018

Τα πιο hot χρώματα στη διακόσμηση για το 2018

Είναι δύσκολο να αμφισβητήσει κάποιος ότι το χ ρ ώ μ α έχει κάνει δυναμική επάνοδο στη διακόσμηση εσωτερικών χώρων τα τελευταία χρόνια. Παρόλο που το μίνιμαλ λευκό είναι πάντα διαχρονικό και το Σκανδιναβικό design ιδιαίτερα ελκυστικό, τα έντονα χρώματα και το colorblocking είναι εδώ για να μείνουν (λίγο ακόμα τουλάχιστον). 

βιβλίο για δώρο

Πώς να διαλέξετε το τέλειο βιβλίο για δώρο :) (+++διαγωνισμός)

Για τη μαμά σας, τη γιαγιά σας (όσοι τυχεροί έχετε) τον αδερφό, το φίλο και τη φίλη σας ένα βιβλίο για δώρο είναι πάντα πολύ ωραία λύση  – μην ανησυχείτε αν δε διαβάζουν πολύ (τόσο όσο εσείς δηλαδή), υπάρχουν πλέον πολύ ωραία βιβλία που διαβάζονται ευχάριστα και από μη-φανατικούς αναγνώστες και έχουν κάτι να πουν...

My Life Notes Planner (EN)

My Life Notes Planner (EN)

What is  My Life Notes Planner? It is a weekly planner, or diary, or journal, whatever you would like to call it 🙂 It helps you organize your life, your thoughts and it helps you get your inspiration back with quotes from famous authors and the wise internet 🙂 How dit it all start?  You know...

My Life Notes

My Life Notes

Τι είναι το My Life Notes Planner? Ένα ημερολόγιο, ατζέντα, Planner, journal, για να οργανώνετε τις μέρες και τις σκέψεις σας, τα βιβλία που θέλετε να διαβάσετε και πολλά άλλα, φτιαγμένο με αγάπη από αυτό εδώ το blog.  Πώς ξεκίνησαν όλα: Από την αγάπη μου για τα βιβλία, ό,τι έχει σχέση με το χαρτί και...

Gift wrapping ideas your friends will love…

Gift wrapping ideas your friends will love…

…almost as much as the gift itself 🙂 Have you done your holiday shopping list yet? You will find a lot of useful and nice ideas in the various gift guides most blogs offer this time of the year – check out my 5 top gift ideas here 😉 What I’d like to show you...

book lovers gifts

The busy girl’s holiday Gift Guide

Short on time but blessed with many friends and family to buy presents for? Don’t worry! I’m giving you my concise and fool proof gift guide for the holiday season.  From your best friend to your boyfriend’s mum, here are 5 types of presents you can’t go wrong with: Books – Shopping online? The Book Depository...

habits of succesful

10 habits of successful people to adopt in 2018

It is true that success is defined differently by everyone and what might be considered superficial by some might as well be a very big step towards personal empowerment for others and I am definitely not here to tell you what success is. This is decided by you and only you, not your co-workers, family...

How to get your life together in a day

How to get your life together in a day

Being a blogger is fabulous and an absolute dream career, but like anything it can become quite stressful! Whether that’s keeping up with deadlines, replying to endless emails or trying to keep the creativity flowing – it can get overwhelming! To help you girls and fellow bloggers, these are my top tips to get your...

5 βιβλία για το φθινόπωρο

5 βιβλία για το φθινόπωρο

  Well did you know you’re an angel who forgot how to fly? 🍁☕🍂🍃 Discover our super autumnal photoshooting today on the blog [link in BIO] 📸 . . . #musicandlyrics #autumn #autumnal #fallcolors #fallinlove #fallenleaves #autumnlovers #fromwhereistand #greekbloggers #ukbloggers #bloggerstyle #bloggersunited #instafashion #automnstyle #stylediaries #letmeshowyou #myrhodes #islanddiaries #itsallrhodes #islandlife #yougottaloveit #lifeinrhodes #islanders #winteriscoming #lifestyleblog...