The secret life of bloggers – December issue

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It’s been a while since I wrote a “Secret Life of Bloggers” post so it’s high time I did one, don’t you think? Being the end of year and all 😉

Let’s see, then, how was December for this lifestyle blogger?

I launched my own planner! This was seriously a huge achievement for me, something I worked really hard for and that I have been dreaming of for a long time. A huge thank you goes to all the people who supported me in this journey, who were there to listen to my doubts and excitement and who shared their brilliant ideas for its improvement 😉 (You know who you are, THANK YOU!)  

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I had some  great new collaborations with brands and a super fun make-up photoshooting!  

life of bloggers

I organised some great gifts for my readers – theRebel Girls book, a beautiful set from Rodeo stores Rhodes and 5 nail varnishes in these amazing winter colors! 

I started getting up earlier and I shared with you how it affected my life and attitude 😉 Give it a shot I challenge you!

I bought a book for my brother which I really wanted to read (If you want, check out my post on How to choose the best book for everyone on your list here). 

It’s called The  Subtle Art of not giving a Fuck, by Mark Manson and it is really entertaining. I’ll post more as soon as I finish reading it! life of bloggers


I also read a good thriller which I highly recommend – Victim without a face

book bloggers

And I had a beautiful Christmas with my friends and family <3

I wanted to say thank you for your love and support all this time and also for the warm nameday wishes!!! Stay tuned because great things are coming in this blog! 

That’s all from me! How was your December my friends? Any good books or movies, any brilliant resolutions for 2018? 😉


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