Short on time but blessed with many friends and family to buy presents for? Don’t worry! I’m giving you my concise and fool proof gift guide for the holiday season.
From your best friend to your boyfriend’s mum, here are 5 types of presents you can’t go wrong with:
- Books – Shopping online? The Book Depository has all the latest publications and free Delivery. If you know what you are getting, you can place your order early and tick one person (or more) off your list. And you can always add something small for yourself 😉 If you are not sure, however, it is always better to shop locally – go to a local bookstore and pick something that they will be able to change. You are also helping a small local business this way 🙂
- Literary Goodies – From mockingjay earrings to Game of Thrones headbands, the bookworm in your life will love these quirky and alternative gifts.
- Mugs – Everyone drinks warm beverages in winter (and many also like to photograph them, not that I would know 😉 ) There are so many beautiful designs out there, you can literally grab some very hot ones.
- Jewellery – Good things come in small boxes. Choose simple, classic pieces for people you don’t know well or go for bold statement items for your dressy friend. Jewellery is timeless and always appreciated. If you go for jewellery check out Coconut Lane – You can use my code Foteini20 for 20% discount on all items! !!!
- A planner – December and the New Year is the time when everyone and their mother will use a planner, diary, journal, whatever you want to call it. Some will ditch it after the first week of January along with their resolutions but some will treasure it until next year, when they will definitely ask you to get them their new one 😉
TIP: I have created my own planner, perfect for book lovers and creative souls and you can sign-up to be the first to know when it’s available AND the chance to win 3 free copies!!
You can sign-up and see a preview HERE.
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