Ah, the sweet pang of delight at the purchase of a new book… And oh, the chilly shiver that runs up our spine at the thought of our lack of shelving. Readers tend to accumulate (an act more widely known as “hoarding“) books and placing them either in random order or in neat stacks labelled...
Category: ENGLISH
Hair trends 2017-2018 (EN)
Good ideas & careful collaborations bring good results! With Fairy Nails Rhodes and my blogger friend Anna from Via Dell’Anna we picked out 4 of the most prevalent hair style trends from 2017-2018 catwalks – and we love seeing them confirmed in New York’s fashion week. The greatest designers play with volume, accessories, choose low and quiet dos, braids...
First days of autumn…
First days of autumn… Μπορεί οι μέρες για τα πρώτα ζεστά καφεδάκια να μην έφτασαν ακόμα όμως εμείς ήδη τις ονειρευόμαστε… Warm coffee days are not here yet but we are daydreaming of them… Χαζεύοντας τις αναμνήσεις του καλοκαιριού μας… Sorting out summer memories… κάνοντας σχέδια για το φθινόπωρο και το χειμώνα… making plans, because...
3 stylish office looks with items you have in your wardrobe :)
Read the article in Greek here There are some days when I dread getting out of bed – not because I don’t want to go to work, but because I feel I have nothing to wear! Nothing that makes me feel stylish, and at the same time comfortable and ready to take on anything and...
Free printable planners to organize your life
September is the new January… …ever since our school days – not so long ago, were they? 😉 Back to School has turned to Back to the Office, Back to the City or just Back to black. Whatever the season, if you are looking for some seriously good habits to take on after a long,...
The best post-workout snack is 100% homemade
The best thing after a good workout is taking a shower and planning your healthy snack 🙂 My latest favorite is Greek yoghurt with home made nut mix & honey. Packed with vitamins, rich in fibers, anti-oxidant fruit and calcium and totally home made (ok if you don’t count the yoghurt but I don’t think...
Rhodesign – Design made in Rhodes (EN)
Design – History – Landscape – Local couleur – Greek summer feeling for Greek please go here These are just a few words that describe the Rhodesign collection, a collection of high quality every day items I discovered in… Rhodes. Of course, I couldn’t resist learning all about them and sharing all the juicy info with...
Greek sun Yellow – το χρώμα του καλοκαιριού
ή αλλιώς Sunshine Yellow Είναι το τρίτο χρώμα που έχει το ελληνικό καλοκαίρι (μετά το μπλε και το λευκό) Sunshine yellow, or Greek sun yellow, as I like to call it is the third color of Greek summer -after blue and white. Το χρώμα που έχει ένα παλιό ξεβαμμένο λεωφορείο με τις αναμνήσεις του It...
Privacy is the new luxury – the other side of Faliraki
You have probably heard of Faliraki as one of the busiest (and most saturated) areas of Rhodes, with its crowds of tourists and doubtful quality drinks. The famous foam (and various other shady types of) parties of the ’90s clearly are (mainly but not exclusively) responsible for this. Masses of tourists looking for cheap vacation...
Today I’m daydreaming…
…about exotic travels and destinations! Bora Bora, Caribbean or French Polynesia? And feeling a little beach-y never hurt anyone 🙂 Even some Mediterranean vibes would be nice! Although Thailand never fails to amaze! Tell me, what is the most exotic trip you’ve ever been on? xoxo Foteini
Do you want to be happier at work? Here’s 5 things you can start doing now!
I’m sure everyone wants to be happier at work. But this is easier said than done, right? Oh, wait, no, it actually depends a lot more on us than we usually think. Check out below 5 easy, simple, straightforward ways to be happier at work Find your favorite thing of the day – be it...
What is Greek Easter like in 2017? 5 fun traditions to keep!
Is Easter tradition still a thing in contemporary Greek families? Or have we forgotten what it is all about? We often complain that “Easter (or Christmas) has gone by and we didn’t even realize” – but is it that time flies faster or that we tend to dismiss it as just some time to spend...
“One should always get drunk. With wine, with poetry…”
“… or with virtue. But get drunk” as Charles Baudelaire said and I couldn’t agree more. However, drinking is not always about getting drunk and this is what I will show you today following an amazing wine and dine experience we had at the Blackadder Pub last week. We were invited in a Wine & Food...
How to be a #girlboss in 10+1 steps
#Girlboss: one of my favorite books for 2016. Who is Sophia Amoruso and why is she the one to tell us how to become a #Girlboss? Sophia Amoruso is not your typical millennial girl – she tried a lot to become exactly the opposite. However unwillingly she had to get into the system – even...
Why I love road trips
For Greek go here Because road trips are fun! Add only good company (no grumps, please!), good weather and good energy! Because they are flexible: You can adjust the time of departure and arrival and you don’t have to worry about delays – only if you want to catch that delicious rustic breakfast or the...